As of today, I have officially been using Twitter for one month!
I sent my first tweet to school library guru @gwynethjones (aka The Daring Librarian) on Sept 10 to thank her for so generously sharing with her personal learning network (PLN). It was actually two and a half weeks later before I sent my second tweet, because for some reason I felt very intimidated about tweeting, as though I didn’t have anything important enough to share. But once I got over my shyness it didn’t take long to get the hang of using Twitter, and so far in the past eleven days I have:
- participated in a chat about book talking led by Donalyn Miller @DonalynBooks (among others) using the hashtag #titletalk
- promoted the @Jumpstartkids #ReadfortheRecord campaign
- shared pictures of myself dressed as Ladybug Girl visiting classrooms to read aloud
- participated in a picture book discussion led by @ColbySharp and @MrSchuReads using the hashtag #SharpSchu
- connected with two fantastic authors, @AmeDyckman (who has a great sense of humor) and @ShanaCorey (who I’ve decided is going to be the subject of a future 5th grade author study at my school)
- created an account at Bitly to shorten the URLs I’m tweeting, and to track the clicks on my tweet links
- retweeted a tweet to enter a book giveaway AND WON! (The book is The Cloak Society by @JerameyKraatz and sounds like something that will just fly off my shelves – after I read it first, of course, the minute it arrives!)
- followed Mo Willems‘ @The_Pigeon and Professor Severus Snape @_Snape_ who are both hilarious
- collected 23 followers of my own, which I did not expect to happen in such a short time (you can follow me @LibraryLoriJune)
Quite a crash course in using Twitter, eh? I’ve known for quite some time that Twitter could be a valuable networking tool, but I resisted signing up because I knew that a) it would be another online presence that would require maintenance to keep it updated, and b) I was afraid I might become addicted to it since I do tend to develop obsessions about things. (Do you think I called that one right?!?) But until I started using it myself, I didn’t realize just how powerful and versatile it could be.
Just like any other Web 2.0 tool, Twitter is what you make it. Please consider leaving a comment to share what you find most valuable about Twitter, and if you aren’t using it yet maybe this post will convince you to give it a try!