Using Google Docs for Submitting Requests

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Google Summit LogoI’m still having fun playing with the Google apps I learned about in last week’s #GAFE Summit, and one of the ideas that experience sparked involves using Google Docs to coordinate purchase requests from the teachers in my school.  As the media spcialist, I value their input as I decide what resources to order for the library but it can be difficult sometimes to keep track of all their requests.

In the past they have emailed me or written me notes detailing the subjects they cover and the materials they need to support the curriculum.  But now, the collaborative element of Google Docs will make it possible for them to submit all their requests in one online document.

Here’s a sample of what I envision the Purchase Requests Doc will look like.  (Click the image to enlarge.)

Purchase Request

Anyone with whom I share the link to the official document will have editing rights, so all the teachers will be able to add their requests themselves.  Each grade level will be assigned a different color so that I can see at a glance if one grade is over- or under-represented in the ordering process.  And I can respond to their requests to let them know I have added items to my order, or that we already have the resources they need.  This will also serve as a reminder to me to notify the appropriate teachers once the new materials have arrived.

I also do most of the technology troubleshooting at my school, so I may create another Doc for teachers to use to submit any tech problems that need my attention.  I could use Google Forms for that, but I think having all of the requests in one place would make a powerful statement about how much of my time is spent keeping the technology working.

If you are already using Google Docs to coordinate requests, I’d love to hear your tips and suggestions.  Please leave a comment, or tweet me at @LibraryLoriJune


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4 thoughts on “Using Google Docs for Submitting Requests

  1. I’m an elementary media specialist too. I had trouble finding books on Leif as well…here’s what I found after further investigation. There are many books out there but they all spell his name differently. Ericsson, Ericson, Erickson, etc.
    good luck!

    • Thanks for the tip! That’s like the experience I had when a 4th grader told me she needed a book on Mary Ludwig Hays. I had no idea who that was, and when we searched the library catalog we didn’t find anything. After some online research we finally figured out that was the real name of Revolutionary War nurse Molly Pitcher, about whom we actually had several books!

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