EdTech Technology Conference: Day 1

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Well, I’m posting tonight from my hotel room in Myrtle Beach after an eventful first day at EdTech 2008!  I attended a couple of great sessions, marveled at the way our keynote speaker – a hypnotist – led seventeen fellow conference attendees to do things they will surely be embarrassed about later, and even won a door prize!  I then enjoyed a fine Italian dinner with Renee Inman, a fellow media specialist, before cracking open the laptop for a quick blog entry.

My first session today was on using Web 2.0 tools at the elementary level, where I got a few interesting ideas for using some of the apps I’ve been learning about in the SCASL 23 Things program.  The presenter, Anne-Marie Wilcox, also recommended a website that I’m anxious to explore called Jenuine Tech (created by Jennifer Wagner) which offers technology integration projects that teachers can use in their classrooms.  The coincidental thing about this is that I just discovered Jennifer’s blog, Tech Thoughts by Jen, last week and was so impressed by it that I added it to my Netvibes blog feed page

The other session I attended was entitled “50 Ways to Use ETVStreamlineSC.”  Okay, we didn’t really have time for 50 uses, but our presenter (Debbie Jarrett) certainly gave us quality, if not quantity.  Anyone who is only using the videos from this site is missing out on some great resources.  If you haven’t checked out the “Teacher Center” at the ETV Streamline website yet, you’ll be surprised and pleased with what’s available.  If you’d like a digital copy of the information handout I received in this session, just email me (junel@sumter17.k12.sc.us) and I’ll be glad to send it to you.

Time for bed now, but I’ll be up early tomorrow for another day of learning and growing!

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One thought on “EdTech Technology Conference: Day 1

  1. Thank you for your very kind words — I enjoy offering simple, but hopefully effective, ideas for teachers to use within their classroom that encourages the opportunities of tech but are not tech driven.

    Thanks again for your kind words

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